E-recruitment System for Schools and Hospitals in the Ecclesiastical province of Arusha in Tanzania

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Anduru, A. ., E, R. ., & S, G. . (2021). E-recruitment System for Schools and Hospitals in the Ecclesiastical province of Arusha in Tanzania. Current Science, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from http://currentscience.info/index.php/cs/article/view/1
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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The study was guided by two specific research objectives stated as: To examine the potentiality of e-recruitment system in Schools and Hospitals under the Catholic Diocese of Moshi, and to oversee e-recruitment system-related benefits gained by Schools and Hospitals under the Moshi Catholic Diocese. Additionally, the study employed a cross-sectional research design whereby 71 participants were obtained through sampling from six Schools and Hospitals under the Catholic Diocese of Moshi. Furthermore, a questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Validity and reliability of the instrument was considered. The adaptation of e-recruitment is a very complex phenomenon as it tends to address numerous organizational obstacles and overcoming operative costs. In this digital era, many organizations' human resource panels prefer to use a set of digital appliances to identify new employees and examine their credentials, certifications, and characteristics. This study was conducted to examine the Potentiality of the e-recruitment System in the Religious Schools and Hospitals in Moshi Catholic Diocese. The study used descriptive (frequency and percentages) to analyze the data with the aid of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). The findings revealed that the Catholic Diocese of Moshi is using e-recruitment system in the whole process of hiring employees in their respective Schools and Hospitals higher than traditional approaches. Moreover, the method brought huge advantages to their institutions as most of the employees hired were found to be extremely reliable for the work assigned and effectively in the task implementation.

 Special Issue


The study was guided by two specific research objectives stated as: To examine the potentiality of e-recruitment system in Schools and Hospitals under the Catholic Diocese of Moshi, and to oversee e-recruitment system-related benefits gained by Schools and Hospitals under the Moshi Catholic Diocese. Additionally, the study employed a cross-sectional research design whereby 71 participants were obtained through sampling from six Schools and Hospitals under the Catholic Diocese of Moshi. Furthermore, a questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Validity and reliability of the instrument was considered. The adaptation of e-recruitment is a very complex phenomenon as it tends to address numerous organizational obstacles and overcoming operative costs. In this digital era, many organizations' human resource panels prefer to use a set of digital appliances to identify new employees and examine their credentials, certifications, and characteristics. This study was conducted to examine the Potentiality of the e-recruitment System in the Religious Schools and Hospitals in Moshi Catholic Diocese. The study used descriptive (frequency and percentages) to analyze the data with the aid of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). The findings revealed that the Catholic Diocese of Moshi is using e-recruitment system in the whole process of hiring employees in their respective Schools and Hospitals higher than traditional approaches. Moreover, the method brought huge advantages to their institutions as most of the employees hired were found to be extremely reliable for the work assigned and effectively in the task implementation.

Keyword : e-recruitment internet religious school

How to Cite
Anduru, A. ., E, R. ., & S, G. . (2021). E-recruitment System for Schools and Hospitals in the Ecclesiastical province of Arusha in Tanzania. Current Science, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from http://currentscience.info/index.php/cs/article/view/1
Sep 17, 2021
Aug 30, 2021
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